Varsha Bioscience & Technology
Plant Micronutrients
Varsha Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of plant micro-nutrients. We are based in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Our products are designed to enhance plant growth and improve crop yield, with the help of natural ingredients and innovative technology.
We understand the importance of soil health, and our plant micro-nutrients are carefully developed to support plant growth while also improving soil fertility. With a team of experienced agronomists and scientists, we are committed to providing the highest quality products to farmers and growers.
At Varsha Biosciences, we are dedicated to helping farmers achieve greater success by providing them with the tools they need to improve their crops and land. So if you’re looking for a reliable and effective solution to enhance your crop, look no further! We at Varsha continuously strive for a healthier, sustainable environment.
Varsha Wonder
- Contains Zinc in the available form to plants
- Corrects zinc deficiency
- Increases the synthesis of proteins, chlorophyll, and hormone production
- Recommended as foliar application and soil broadcasting depending on types of zinc formulation
- Zinc 21%: soil broadcasting at 15-25kgs per ha
- Zinc 31%: Soil broadcasting at 2-4kgs per ha
- Zinc 12%: Foliar spray at 1g/L water
Varsha Wonder has Zinc in three forms viz., Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate 21%, Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate 33%, and Zinc EDTA 12%
Varsha Wonder 21% is recommended for soil broadcasting. It also has 10% Sulphur. Varsha Wonder 33% can be applied as a foliar spray, through drip irrigation and soil broadcasting. It also has 15% Sulphur.
Varsha Wonder 12% has Zinc EDTA. It is water-soluble and partially systemic in action. It corrects the zinc deficiency in plants immediately and increases the uptake of phosphates. Foliar spray of Varsha Wonder 12% is recommended on crops grown in slightly alkaline soil. We recommend Varsha Wonder 12% when the symptoms of zinc deficiency are moderate to high.
Varsha Borich
- Contains Boran 20%
- An important minor element for good growth, shoot, root, fruit, and seed developments
- Recommended on all crops either as foliar spray or through soil application
- Boron is an important micronutrient for cell division, elongation, cell wall synthesis, uniform fruit ripening, shoot and root, fruit and seed development. It is also known to mobilize sugar in fruits and canes.
- Varsha Borich is a powder having 20% Boron. It is recommended to be applied as a foliar spray and through a drip. Apply Varsha Borich during flowering and fruiting time and when the plant does not absorb sufficient boron from the soil.
Varsha Nature
- Contains Zinc 6%, Ferrous 4%, Manganese 3%, Copper 1%, Molybdenum 0.05% and Boron 2%.
- Has various micronutrient combinations based on various crop requirements.
- Can be applied as foliar spray or as soil application.
- Available in powder form.
- Recommended on all crops including paddy, cotton, green/ red pepper, citrus, vegetables and orchards.
Varsha Nature 04
TS – AP – Formula – 06
TS – AP – Formula – 07
Crops need multiple micronutrients and not just a single micronutrient. Varsha Nature has various micronutrient combinations based on various crop requirements. They can be applied as foliar spray or as soil application. Varsha nature 4 is having Zinc 6%, Ferrous 4%, Manganese 3%, Copper 1%, Molybdenum 0.05% and Boron 2%. It is available in powder form. It can be used on all crops including paddy, cotton, green/ red pepper, citrus, vegetables, and orchards.
Varsha Nature 6 is having Zinc 5%, Ferrous 2%, Manganese 2%, and Boron 0.5%. It is available in liquid form. Use on all crops including citrus, paddy, cotton, red/ green pepper, and vegetable crops.
- Varsha Nature 7 has Zinc 6%, Manganese 0.5% and Ferrous 0.5%. It is available in powder form. Broadcast on all crops/ trees including green/ red pepper, cane, paddy, and cotton.
- Varsha Nature 1 has Zinc 5%, Ferrous 6%, and Manganese 1.5%. It is available in powder form. Use it on paddy and groundnuts.
Varsha Mag
- Has high-quality magnesium sulphate.
- Boosts soil fertility, plant growth, development, and reproduction.
- It contains 9.6% magnesium sulphate and is water-soluble
- It makes the plants grow bushier and green
- Boosts the ability of all plants to produce more flowers and fruits.