Varsha Bioscience & Technology

Bio Insecticides

Varsha Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of bio-insecticides in Hyderabad, Telangana. Our bio-insecticides are made from natural and eco-friendly ingredients, making them the best choice for sustainable agriculture. Our bio-insecticides help protect crops from harmful pests while also promoting a healthy environment.

Some of the benefits of using our bio-insecticides include:

    • Effective pest control
    • Eco-friendly and sustainable
    • Supports plant health
    • Suitable for organic farming

At Varsha Biosciences, we are committed to providing effective and eco-friendly solutions for plant protection. Whether you’re a small-scale farmer or a large-scale agricultural operation, our bio-insecticides are the right choice for you. So why wait? Start protecting your crops and the environment today with Varsha Biosciences’ bio-insecticides.


VBt Bio-Insecticide - Bacillus thuringiensis-Based

Salient Features

  • A Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki-based bio insecticide formulation.
  • Suggested for the control of leaf-eating caterpillars, webbers, shoot and pod borers.
  • Delta endotoxin crystals of the formulation kill the larvae by disrupting gut epithelial cells.


  • Foliar application: Mix 5-10 grams of VBt in 1 liter water and spray uniformly on the crop.
  • To control pod borer in pigeon pea, mix 500 grams of VBt uniformly in 250L water and spray over an acre using Knapsack sprayer.
  • In paddy to control leaf folder and stem borer spray VBt 500grams per acre uniformly.
  • In vegetables, chili, ground nut, cotton to control leaf folders, pod borers, and leaf-eating caterpillars spray VBt 500grams per acre uniformly.
  • In cotton to control castor semi looper, spray 100 to 150 grams of VBt per acre.
  • In cabbage and cauliflower to control diamond back moth spray VBt 350-500 grams per acre.
  • VBt can be mixed with biopesticides & plant growth promoters for spraying.


    • Do not spray VBt on food meant for rearing silkworms.
    • Use before the expiry date.
    • Do not keep in direct sunlight.
    • Store at room temperature.


Bio Insecticide Shock
  • A Verticillium lecanii-based entomopathogenic bioinsecticide formulation.
  • Suggested for controlling mealy bugs, scale insects, aphids, mites, thrips, and white flies.
  • Kills target insects by germinating inside their body and producing various insect toxic proteins.


  • Foliar application: Mix 5-10 grams of Shock in 1-liter water and spray uniformly on the crop preferably in the evening.
  • Shock can be mixed with other biopesticides and micronutrients for spraying.


  • Do not mix Shock with chemical fungicides.
  • Use before the expiry date.
  • Do not keep in direct sunlight.
  • Store at room temperature.


Bio Insecticide Toxin

Salient Features

  • A Beauveria bassiana-based entomopathogenic bioinsecticide formulation.
  • Suggested to use for the control of various insects including leaf folders, pod/berry borers, leaf feeders, and root grubs.
  • Kills the target insects by germinating inside their body, mummifying, and also producing various insect toxic proteins.


    • Foliar application: Mix 5-10 grams of Toxin in 1-litre water and spray uniformly on the crop especially on the top and bottom of the leaves, preferably in the evening.
    • Toxin can be used in all crops.
    • Toxin can be mixed with other biopesticides and micronutrients for spraying.


    • Do not mix Toxin with chemical fungicides.
    • Use before expiry date.
    • Keep away from direct sunlight.
    • Store at room temperature.


    Biostorm Bio-Insecticide - Metarhizium anisopliae-Based

    Salient Features

    • A Metarhizium anisopliae-based entomopathogenic bioinsecticide.
    • Suggested for the control of termites, root grubs, weevils, mites, beetles, leaf miners, hoppers and thrips.
    • Effectively kills insects by multiplying inside the insect body and lysis the cell walls.


    • Foliar application: Mix 5-10 grams of Biostorm in 1-litre water and spray uniformly on the crop especially on the top and bottom of the leaves, preferably in the evening.
    • Soil broadcasting: Mix 2kg of Biostorm in 50 kg compost and broadcast over an acre.
    • Biostorm can be used in all crops.
    • Biostorm can be mixed with other biopesticides and micronutrients for spraying.


    • Do not mix Biostorm with chemical fungicides.
    • Use before expiry date.
    • Keep away from direct sunlight.
    • Store at room temperature.


      Azactin Bio-Insecticide - Azadirachtin-Based

      Salient Features

      • A non-toxic biological insecticide based on Azadirachtin.
      • A broad spectrum bioinsecticide.
      • Recommended in all crops as a primary insecticide to reduce the damage caused by various insects at all stages on the plants.
      • Suggested for control of thrips, whitefly, aphid, caterpillar, scale insects, and mealy bugs.

      Azactin is available in the following active ingredient strengths of Azadirachtin


      1 Azactin 0.03% 300 EC

      2 Azactin 0.03% (Botanical fungicide) 300 EC

      3 Azactin 0.15% 1500 EC

      4 Azactin 0.15% 1500 Granule

      5 Azactin 0.3% 3000 EC

      6 Azactin 1% 10000 EC

      7 Azactin 5% 50000 EC

      8 Azactin 10% 100000 EC